Blessed Oneness

Blessed Oneness

Dear Father, please, forgive me!

You showed me God, I saw the man.
I wanted the Father, to stay a child forever-
lazy to awake, too weak to work.

You gave me all paths, all steps
and first of all, Your whole love-
the shortest path to my soul.

But I took the longest-
pushed by my ego - "Go to find the best",
squeezed by my pride-
"The best has never been for you",
bothered by my mind - "Create your own",

I kept on digging the hill of my karma-
going to the bottom and find my own self

But there was God!-
my missing Grand Father, patiently waiting.

He took me in His light-hands,
shook me like a baby,
bathed me in His love-light.
I just cried exhausted, tired, sleepy,
hungry after my long journey.
He gave me all- sleep, food, drink and rest,
all in one- His sweet bliss,

Then He whispered at my ear:
-Your husband is tired, he needs some rest.
Be patient, wait, he will come!

I felt he was ready to give me his all love.
-Just relax! Let him give you his best!

His best and my best in Divine oneness.
We went beyond the pink light,
beyond the pleasure waves.
There was just white light,
love, peace, and sweet bliss.

We were two angels flying again together.
God was there, You too and a lot of angels.

Oh, my dear husband, please, please, forgive me.
I was blind to see you,
I was numb to feel you.
We are the same color,
the same tune, the same vibration.
Two weak vibrations but playing together
make the strong love, uplifting to the heavens.
You are my God given,
the missing mate of my soul!

Dear Divine Father, you are always with me.
You know all my steps-
the wrong and the right ones.
You don't push me, you don't pull me,
You let me to do all steps on my own,
but you are always with me,
behind me- guarding me,
in front of me- guiding me,
inside me fulfilling me
with your powerful Father's love.

Oh, Father
no man could be like you, just GOD!!!

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