Happy Hearts

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Upgrade to openSuSE 12.1 using zypper dup ended in emergency mode

Recently I have upgraded openSuSE 11.3 on Acer Aspire One netbook to the latest version 12.1. Before that, I had already performed 3 times clean install on other laptops and every time the system worked perfectly out of the box.

This time I decided to do upgrade using “zypper dup” and followed all the suggestions to prepare the system for System Upgrade

To be safe I used the option –download “in-advance” in case something goes wrong and the upgrade is interrupted. And the whole command is:

# zypper dup –download “in-advance”

After all the packages were downloaded and installed , the system was restarted and it ended up in emergency mode.

Welcome to emergency mode. Use “systemctl default” or ^D to activate default mode.
Give root password for login:

There was another line on top of the screen

failed to execute: `/etc/sysconfig/network/scripts/ifup-sysctl` `/etc/sysconfig/network/scripts/ifup-sysctl lo -o hotplug`: No such file or directory

but I was sure that the problem is somewhere else, because it performed “fsck” on all partitions and maybe did not like something in /etc/fstab.

Anyway, I searched Google and found that system manager has been changed and now the system boots with systemd instead of previously used sysvinit.

So, I typed my root password and logged in the system and could even start KDE
with “startx”

Then I installed previous system manager package sysvinit-init and uninstalled systemd-sysvinit package

Rebooted and everything went fine.

There is another way to ignore systemd: at boot press F5 and choose system v from the drop-down menu.

But since systemd is going to be the default “init” in the future, it is better to read more about it at openSuSE-Systemd. I also did so and re-installed it again. The boot problem that I had was caused by my Windows partition, which I set to “noauto” ( this means the partition is not mounted during boot ) in /etc/fstab and the system boots normally now.

Enjoy one of the most powerful Linux distributions.

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